Thursday, February 3, 2011

Animal Rescue

I am quite passionate about rescuing and adopting animals, especially dogs.

I belong to the ASPCA, the Humane Society of America, and I also Click to Feed pets at The Animal Rescue Site.

Besides rescuing, fostering or adopting dogs in my home, I also like to promote ideas like controlling pet population (spay & neuter), training & obedience, healthy eating (read dog food labels!), and how to find the right pet for your family.

I often talk about my own dogs, behavioral problems, going to the vet and spending time playing & exercising with my pets.

If you would like to write something as a guest blogger on this subject, email me your Google profile name, so I can give you posting rights. Please have your post ready to copy & paste into the 'new post' editor and make sure your name, email & return link to your website are also included.

What is Your Dog’s Tail Saying?

Dogs have a great communication tool, one that many people don’t know about. Most pet owners are taken aback by a dog’s snarl before they give any notice to the dog’s “antenna”…. The Tail!

The tail, more so than the ears, tell many things about what a dog is feeling at the moment. As dog owners, the first (and best known) tail trait we notice is the happy, wagging tail.

But the more confident your dog becomes, the more it can tell you with its tail. According to these are some very distinct movements and shapes of doggy tails you should be aware of.

Here is a list of dependable dog expressions:

■Relaxed tail: Relaxation and comfort.
■Hanging horizontal but not stiff: A sign of attention. The dog sees something interesting.
■Hanging horizontal but stiff: The dog is confronting an intruder or someone or something unknown.
■Upright tail: This is a sign of authority of a dog that shows itself dominant.
■Upright tail and turned over the back: shows trust and self-control.
■Downward and close to the hind legs: If its extremities are rigid and it wags its tail slightly, it shows "I'm not feeling well". If its legs are slightly bent it's a sign on insecurity.
■Tail hidden between its legs: Fear or submission.
■Raised tail and slow and rhythmic movement: The dog is on guard.
■Wagging lightly: Is their normal welcome.
■Wagging with broad circles: "I like you". When two dogs are mock fighting this movement confirms it's a game.
■Wagging at a slow speed: When it's being trained it means "I'm trying to understand you, I want to know what you're saying but I don't understand yet". Once it finally understands, the dog wags its tail faster.
■Short and slow movements: Shows that it's pleased. Sometimes its only wags its tail a few times when it's on the floor.
■Wagging fast: Excitement to a desired activity or object.



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